
Turkish delights

Here is the video reporting moments from the meeting in Turkey (29 February-5 March 2012): work, culture and leisure time in Istanbul and Sapanca.

Thanks to Jesùs de la Fuente from Guadalajara, who shot the movie.


Break the chains

This is the second short movie shot in Istanbul during the 1st workshop of the EVALT projects and produced by the participating educators (acting, direction, shooting, editing): Time of crisis.

Topic: problems can be overcome when the person reacts proactively and changes his/her own mental and behavioral stereotypes that reduce the possibility to grow.

Synopsis: a teacher has lost his job and is in a depressive mood. Everything is black and there are no future perspectives in his mind. But he has the strength to react and expresses publicly his will to go beyond the crisis.

Galatasaray Hamam

During the workshop held in Istanbul in March this year, the participants - all volunteers working in education with disadvantaged groups of adults in Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain - experienced the methodology of movies applied to adult education for empowerment and for the development of soft skills.

After having attended a theorical introduction about the method and a presentation on the methodological guidelines, delivered by the hosting partner Şişli Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi, the participants were divided in two groups and had the opportunity to create a short movie for education, from the elaboration of an idea and a scenario, to shooting the movie. Time to play around with was not so much, but at the end two short movies were produced.They are not professional, on the technical point of view, because everything (acting, directing, shooting, editing) has been done by the participants, who are educators in sectors other than filming.

Here is the first one: Hammam is glue for friendship.

Topic: the difference among languages is not a barrier if persons have good attitude towards each other, have a will to understand other people and try to use other channels to communicate.

Synopsis: tourists from Lithuania, Italy, Spain and Portugal are in Istanbul and want to go to Galatasary Hamam. They don't speak English and ask information to a Turkish person, who is not willing to help. Second scenario: same situation but with different attitude by the Turkish person.


Meeting in Istanbul, 29 Feb-5 Mar 2012

From 29 of February to 5 of March 2012, the EVALT partners have met to attend the 1st workshop of the project, coordinated by Şişli Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi.

The workshop was about the use of movies in adult education, in particular movie-therapy and shooting short films. The participants have had the possibility to experiment personally how to elaborate a scenario and to produce a short movie with educational purpose. The movies will be soon available in EVALT website.

Below some pictures from the meeting.

Tolga Vuranok presenting the workshops and the Turkish colleagues

The Portuguese team

The Spanish team and part of the Italian team

The Lithuanian team